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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Full Term Newborn Baby Model - Boy would interest you.

BIX-FT1 Full-Term Newborn Baby Model  (BOY)

1.Demonstration of a New-Born child, realistic characteristics, size and shape consistent with a normal full-term baby.

2.This product can be used as baby shower, changing clothes, diapers, umbilical care, eye care, ear care or for a valuable teaching tool for any nursing training where it may be applicable.

3. Can be used in clinical teaching of students for various operations, such as the delivery of various production-type mechanisms, newborn child treatment, including eye drops, suction of  mucous and bathing of a  new-born child. If fitted with the umbilical cord it can be used for tube insertion into the umbilical cord.

4.This baby doll is made of soft plastic and is washable

#BIX-FT1  Full Term Newborn Baby Model - Boy

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