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First Ait Kit for Personal Burns in a small bag

Contents: 1x Burn dressing 5cm x 15cm, 1x Burn Dressing 10cm x 10cm, 6x Burn Gel Satchets 3.5ml, 1x Pair of Nitrile Gloves, 1x Plastic Forceps, 2x Crepe Bandage 5cm, 1x Clean up bag, 2x Triangular Bandage, 10x Safety Pins, 1x Resuscitation mask, 4x Sterile Gauze Swabs, 10x Fabric Plasters, 10x Transparent Plasters, 1x Cohesive Bandage 5cm x 1x First Aid Tips Guide, 1x HEP/AIDS Warning Label, 1x 14cm Shears, 1x Fabric Tape 2.5cm, 1x Accident Recording Form

#BK003 Personal Burns Kit

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