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Anatomical Chart - The Skin and Common Disorders

Anatomical Chart - The Skin and Common Disorders
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Anatomical Chart - The Skin and Common Disorders
NZ $39.00 + GST
NZ $44.85 GST Inclusive
This detailed chart shows cross sections of the skin, nail and hair anatomy. In addition, it describes the role of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. Illustrates and describes types of skin lesions: fissure, ulcer, cyst, macule, papule, wheal, vesicle, pustule, bulla and nodule. Also shows and describes acne (closed & open comedo), actinic keratosis (solar keratosis), junctional nevus (mole), basla cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, verruca vulgaris (wart), seborrheic keratosis, dermatofibroma, and urticaria (hives). A great addition to a dermatologist's office.

Measures 20x26in.. Printed in the USA by Anatomical Chart Company.

#ACC-6128 Anatomical Chart - The Skin and Common Disorders

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